Mathematical Economics

The links to the videos below constitute a course in mathematical economics that was taught over two semesters at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. The first semester covered static optimization, while the second covered dynamic optimization. This material was designed as an upper-level undergraduate sequence for a BSc (STEM-oriented) degree as opposed to the regular BA (where students were encouraged to take the static optimization component of mathematical economics. Graduate students in Economics. should be familiar with both components at the end of their first year.

The course is based on the following textbooks:
Dixit, A.K., 1990. Optimization in Economic Theory. 2nd Edition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.  Hoy, M., J. Livernois, C. McKenna, R. Rees & T. Stengos, 2011. Mathematics for Economics. 3rd Ed. MIT Press. 
Conrad, Jon M., 2010. Resource Economics. Second Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Name of VideoCONTENT
Calculus Review
CalculusReview01Review and introduction to calculus
CalculusReview06Explanation of Taylor series as a math sequences
CalculusReview07Put bond formula here. Example of math sequence
Integration02Integration (cont)
Integration03Application of measurement of areas under curves to international trade
Matrices01Introduction to matrix algebra
Matrices02Systems of equations in matrix form and matrix rank
Matrices03Elementary matrices
Matrices04Find determinants of a matrices
Matrices05Find eigen values of matrices
Matrices06Find eigen vectors and matrices
Matrices07Additional matrix algebra
Static Optimization
Optimization01Introduction to tangency in constrained optimization
Optimization01The concept of a Lagrangian and lagragian multipliers
Optimization01Constrained optimization: Static optimization
Optimization01Constrained optimization (cont)
Optimization01Static optimization and the Karsh-Kuhn-Tucker conditions
Welfare Economics
Welfare01These lectures include consumer demand theory,
Welfare02the envelope theorem and duality, welfare
Welfare03measurement and index number theory.
Production Economics
Production01Production economics: supply side and costs
Dynamic Optimization: Differential/Difference Equations
Dynamic01Introduction to dynamic optimization
Dynamic02Solving difference equations (discrete time)
Dynamic03Solving difference equations (cont.)
Dynamic04Solving systems of difference equations
Dynamic05Phase plane diagrams for solving difference equations
Dynamic06Solving differential equations (continuous time)
Dynamic07Solving differential equations (cont)
Dynamic08Solving system of difference equations
Dynamic09Solving system of differential equations
Dynamic10Second lecture solving differential equation systems
Dynamic11Third lecture solving differential equation systems
Optimal Control Theory
OptimalControl01Calculus of variations
OptimalControl02Calculus of variations continued
OptimalControl03Continuous time optimal control theory
OptimalControl04Discrete time optimal control theory
OptimalControl05Example of optimal extration from a mine
OptimalControl06Optimal extraction rule for nonrewable resource
Dynamic Programming
OptimalControl07Introduction to dynamic programming
OptimalControl08Dynamic programming (cont)
OptimalControl09Introduction to Stochastic Dynamic Programming
OptimalControl10Application of stochastic dynamic programming
Operations Research: Operations Research
Program01Introduction to Linear Programming
Program02Introduction to the Simplex Algorithm
Program03Simplex (cont.)
Program04Discussion of shadow prices and Karsh-Kuhn-Tucker conditions
Program05Introduction to R programming
Program06Intro to R Studio, R programming and solving LP problems in R