Mathematical Economics

The links to the videos below constitute a course in mathematical economics that was taught over two semesters at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. The first semester covered static optimization, while the second covered dynamic optimization. This material was designed as an upper-level undergraduate sequence for a BSc (STEM-oriented) degree as opposed to the regular BA (where students were encouraged to take the static optimization component of mathematical economics. Graduate students in Economics. should be familiar with both components at the end of their first year of graduate studies.

The material is divided into
Mathematical Review (calculus, integration, matrices)
Static Optimization
Dynamic Optimization (differential and difference equations, optimal control)
Operations Research (mathematical programming, software)

The course is based on the following textbooks:
Dixit, A.K., 1990. Optimization in Economic Theory. 2nd Edition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.  Hoy, M., J. Livernois, C. McKenna, R. Rees & T. Stengos, 2011. Mathematics for Economics. 3rd Ed. MIT Press. 
Conrad, Jon M., 2010. Resource Economics. Second Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.