Schmitz, A, C Moss, T Schmitz, GC van Kooten & C Schmitz, 2022. Agricultural Policy, Agribusiness and Rent Seeking Behavior. 3rd edition. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
van Kooten, GC, 2021. Applied Welfare Economics, Trade and Agricultural Policy Analysis. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
van Kooten, GC & L Voss (editors), 2021. International Trade in Forest Products: Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.
van Kooten, G.C., 2013. Climate Change, Climate Science and Economics: Prospects for a Renewable Energy Future. Dordrecht, NL: Springer. (466pp.) Available through SpringerLink here.
van Kooten, G.C. and H. Folmer, 2004. Land and Forest Economics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. (528pp.)
van Kooten, G.C., 2004. Climate Change Economics: Why International Accords Fail. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. (167pp.)
Wang, S. and G.C. van Kooten, 2001.Forestry and the New Institutional Economics.Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing. (201pp.) Republished by Routledge Revivials, London, UK: hard cover 2017 and paperback 2018.
van Kooten, G.C. and E.H. Bulte, 2000. The Economics of Nature: Managing Biological Assets. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers. (512pp.)
van Kooten, G.C., E.H. Bulte and A.E.R. Sinclair (editors), 2000. Conserving Nature’s Diversity: Insights from Biology, Ethics and Economics. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing. (206pp.) Republished by Routledge Revivials, London, UK: hard cover 2017 and paperback 2018.
Wilson, B., G.C. van Kooten, I. Vertinsky and L.M. Arthur (editors), 1998. Forest Policy: International Case Studies. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing. (273pp.)
Wossink, G.A.A., G.C. van Kooten and G.H. Peters (editors), 1998. The Economics of Agro–Chemicals: An International Overview of Use Patterns, Technical and Institutional Determinants, Policies and Perspectives. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. (386pp.)
van Kooten, G.C., 1993. Land Resource Economics and Sustainable Development: Economic Policies and the Common Good. Vancouver: UBC Press. (450 pp.)
CHAPTERS IN BOOKS (Selected, 45 in total)
van Kooten, G.C., D. Orden and A. Schmitz, 2019. Use of Subsidies and Taxes and the Reform of Agricultural Policy. Chapter 20 in The Routledge Handbook of Agricultural Economics (pp.355-380) edited by Gail L. Cramer, Krishna P. Paudel and Andrew Schmitz. London and New York: Routledge.
Kennedy, P.L., A. Schmitz and G.C. van Kooten, 2018. Food Security and Food Storage, Reference Module in Food Science, Elsevier. ISBN 9780081005965, (
van Kooten, G.C. and R. Wortzman, 2018. Environmental and Energy Policy. Chapter 12 in European Union, Governance and Policy Making: A Canadian Perspective edited by E. Brunet-Jailly, A. Hurrelmann and A. Verdun. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
Wang, S., T.N. Bogle and G.C.van Kooten, 2014. Forestry and the New Institutional Economics. Chapter 30 (pp.461-473) in Handbook of Forest Resource Economics edited by Shashi Kant and Janaki Alavalapati. Oxon, UK: Routledge.
van Kooten, G.C., C. Johnston and Z. Xu, 2014. Economics of Forest Carbon Sequestration. Chapter 16 (pp. 243-257) in Handbook of Forest Resource Economics edited by Shashi Kant and Janaki Alavalapati. Oxon, UK: Routledge.
van Kooten, G.C. and F.P. de Vries, 2013. Carbon Offsets, pp 6-8 in Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, Volume 1, edited by J. Shogren. Amsterdam, NL: Elsevier..
van Kooten, G Cornelis, 2013. Economic Analysis of Feed-in Tariffs for Generating Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources. Chapter 9 in Handbook on Energy and Climate Change (pp.224-253) edited by R. Fouquet. Cheltenham, UK, & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
van Kooten, G. Cornelis, 2012. Wind Energy Policy. Chapter 2.17 in Comprehensive Renewable Energy edited by A. Sayigh. Vol 2, pp.541-568. Oxford, GB: Elsevier.
van Kooten, G. Cornelis, 2010.The Economics and Policy of Global Warming. In Economics Writing 2nd Edition (pp.47-67) edited by Stephen Eaton Hume. Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions.
Cotteleer, G., T. Stobbe and G.C. van Kooten, 2009. Farmland Conservation in The Netherlands and British Columbia, Canada. Chapter 6 in Multifunctional Rural Land Management: Economics and Policies (pp. 105-123) edited by F. Brouwer and M. van der Heide. Oxford, UK: EarthScan.
Krcmar, E., H. Nelson, G.C. van Kooten, I. Vertinsky and J. Webb, 2008. Can Forest Management Strategies Sustain the Development Needs of the Little Red River Cree First Nation? Chapter 6 in Seeing Beyond the Trees. The Social Dimensions of Aboriginal Forest Management edited by D. C.Natcher. Concord, ON: Captus Press Inc.
Folmer, H. and G.C. van Kooten, 2007. Deforestation. Chapter 7 in Solutions for the World’s Biggest Problems: Costs and Benefits edited by Bjorn Lomborg. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
van Kooten, G.C., 2006. Economics of Forest and Agricultural Carbon Sinks. Chapter 19 in Climate Change and Managed Ecosystems (pp.375-395) edited by J.S. Bhatti, R. Lal, M.J. Apps and M.A. Price. Baton Roca, FL: Taylor & Francis.
Hardie, I.W., P.J. Parks and G.C. van Kooten, 2004. The Economics of Land Use at the Intensive and Extensive Margins. Chapter 3 in The International Yearbook of Environmental & Resource Economics 2004/2005. A Survey of Current Issues (pp.101-138) edited by T. Tietenberg and H. Folmer. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.