
Working papers are found at the website of the Resource Economics & Policy Analysis (REPA) group in the Department of Economics at the University of Victoria (REPA Working Papers)

Selected Journal Articles (212 in total)


Siebel-McKenna, A., C.M.T. Johnston and G.C. van Kooten, 2019. Knock on Wood: The Effects of Suboptimal Decision-making on Forest Carbon Sequestration in the Presence of Uncertainty in Wildfire Risk, Spatial Economic Analysis DOI: 10.1080/17421772.2019.1701700. (Available from publisher.)

van Kooten, G.C. and Fatemeh Mokhtarzadeh, 2019. Optimal Investment in Electric Generating Capacity under Climate Policy, Journal of Environmental Management 232: 66-72.


van Kooten, G.C., 2018. The Challenge of Mitigating Climate Change through Forestry Activities: What are the Rules of the Game? Ecological Economics 146(April): 35-43.


van Kooten, G.C. 2017. Forest Carbon Offsets and Carbon Emissions Trading: Problems of Contracting, Forest Policy and Economics 75: 83-88.

Johnston, C.M.T. and G.C. van Kooten, 2017. Impact of Inefficient Quota Allocation under the Canada-U.S. Softwood Lumber Dispute: A Calibrated Mixed Complementarity Approach, Forest Policy and Economics 74: 71-80.


van Kooten, G.C. 2016. California Dreaming: The Economics of Renewable Resources, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. In press.

Johnston, C.M.T. and G.C. van Kooten, 2017. Impact of Inefficient Quota Allocation under the Canada -U.S. Softwood Lumber Dispute: A Calibrated Mixed Complementarity Approach, Forest Policy and Economics 74: 71-80.


van Kooten, G.C., J. Duan and R. Lynch, 2016. Is There a Future for Nuclear Power? Wind and Emission Reduction Targets in Fossil-Fuel Alberta, PLoS ONE 11(11): e0165822. 

van Kooten, G.C., 2016. The Economics of Wind Power, Annual Review of Resource Economics 8(1): 181-205.

van Kooten, G.C. and C.M.T. Johnston, 2016. The Economics of Forest Carbon Offsets, Annual Review of Resource Economics 8(1): 227-246.

Johnston, C.M.T. and G.C. van Kooten, 2016. Global Trade Impacts of Increasing Europe’s Bioenergy Demand, Journal of Forest Economics 23: 27-44.

van Kooten, G.C., 2016. Re-considering Long-Term Athlete Development on Coach Education: An Illustration from Judo, International Sport Coaching Journal 3(1): 83-89.


Johnston, C.M.T. and G.C. van Kooten, 2015. Back to the Past: Burning Wood to Save the Globe, Ecological Economics 120(December): 185-193.

Gebreegziabher, Z. and G.C. van Kooten, 2015. Single versus Multiple Objective(s) Decision Making: An Application to Subsistence Farms in Northern Ethiopia, Ethiopian Journal of Economics 24(2): 129-155.

Sun, B. and G.C. van Kooten, 2015. Financial Weather Derivatives for Corn Production in Northern China: A Comparison of Pricing Methods, Journal of Empirical Finance 32: 201-209.

Johnston, C. and G.C. van Kooten, 2015. Economics of Co-firing Coal and Biomass: An Application to Western Canada, Energy Economics 48:7-17.

Eagle, A., D. Eagle, T. Stobbe, and G.C. van Kooten 2015. Farmland Protection and Agricultural Land Values at the Urban-Rural Fringe: British Columbia’s Agricultural Land Reserve in British Columbia, American J of Agricultural Economics 97(1): 282-298.

van Kooten, G.C., T. Bogle and F. de Vries, 2015. Forest Carbon Offsets Revisited: Shedding Light on Darkwoods, Forest Science 61(2): 370-380.

Bogle, T. and G.C. van Kooten, 2015. Protecting Timber Supply on Public Land in Response to Catastrophic Natural Disturbance: A Principal-Agent Problem, Forest Science 61(1): 83-92.


van Kooten, G.C., 2014. The Benefits of Impeding Free Trade: Revisiting British Columbia’s Restrictions on Log Exports, J of Forest Economics 20(4): 333-347.

Xu, Z. and G.C. van Kooten, 2014. The El Niño Southern Oscillation Index and Wildfire Prediction in British Columbia, The Forestry Chronicle 90(5): 592-598.

Sun, B., C. Guo and G.C. van Kooten, 2014. Hedging Weather Risk for Corn Production in Northeastern China: Efficiency of Weather Derivatives, Agricultural Finance Review 74(4): 555-572.

Withey, P. and G.C. van Kooten, 2014. Wetlands Retention and Optimal Management of Waterfowl Habitat under Climate Change, J of Agricultural & Resource Economics 39(1): 1-18.

van Kooten, G.C. and C. Johnston, 2014. Global Impacts of Russian Log Export Restrictions and the Canada-U.S. Lumber Dispute: Modeling Trade in Logs and Lumber, Forest Policy & Economics 39: 54-66.

Sun, B. and G.C. van Kooten, 2014. Weather Effects on Maize Yields in Northern China, The J of Agricultural Science 152(04): 523-533.


Timilsina, G.R., G.C. van Kooten and P.A. Narbel, 2013. Global Wind Power Development: Economics and Policies, Energy Policy 61: 642-652

Sopinka, A., G.C. van Kooten and L. Wong, 2013. Reconciling Self-Sufficiency and Renewable Energy Targets in a Hydro Dominated System: The View from British Columbia, Energy Policy 61: 223-229.

Gebreegziabher, Z. and G.C. van Kooten, 2013. Does Community and Household Tree Planting Imply Increased Use of Wood for Fuel? Evidence from Ethiopia, Forest Policy & Economics 34: 30-40.

van Kooten, G.C., C. Johnston and L. Wong, 2013. Wind versus Nuclear Options for Generating Electricity in a Carbon-Constrained World: Strategizing in an Energy-Rich Economy, American J Agricultural Economics 95(2): 505-511. Reproduced in open-access AJAE virtual issue on Energy:

Bogle, T.N. and G.C. van Kooten, 2013. Options for Maintaining Forest Productivity after Natural Disturbance: A Principal-Agent Approach, Forest Policy & Economics 26: 138-144.

Withey, P. and G.C. van Kooten, 2013. The Effect of Climate Change on Wetlands and Waterfowl in Western Canada: Incorporating Cropping Decisions into a Bioeconomic Model, Natural Resource Modeling 26(3): 305-330.


McWilliam, M.K., G.C. van Kooten and C. Crawford, 2012. A Method for Optimizing the Location of Wind Farms, Renewable Energy 48: 287-299.

Wong, L., G.C. van Kooten and J.A. Clarke, 2012. The Impact of Agriculture on Waterfowl Abundance: Evidence from Panel Data, J of Agricultural & Resource Economics 37(2): 321-334.

Bogle, T. and G.C. van Kooten, 2012. Why Mountain Pine Beetle Exacerbates a Principal-agent Relationship: Exploring Strategic Policy Responses to Beetle Attack in a Mixed Species Forest, Canadian J of Forest Research 42(3): 621-630.

Scorah, H., A. Sopinka and G.C. van Kooten, 2012. The Economics of Storage, Transmission and Drought: Integrating Variable Wind Power into Spatially Separated Electricity Grids, Energy Economics 34(2): 536-541.

Niquidet, K., B. Stennes and G.C. van Kooten, 2012. Bio-energy from Mountain Pine Beetle Timber and Forest Residuals: The Economics Story, Canadian J of Agricultural Economics 60(2): 195-210.

Cotteleer, G. and G.C. van Kooten, 2012. Expert Opinion versus Actual Transaction Evidence in the Valuation of Non-market Amenities, Economic Modelling 29(1): 32-40.


Eiswerth, M.E., S. Yen and G.C. van Kooten, 2011. Factors Determining Awareness and Knowledge of Aquatic Invasive Species, Ecological Economics 70(9): 1672–1679.

Withey, Patrick and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2011. The Effect of Climate Change on Optimal Wetlands and Waterfowl Management in Western Canada, Ecological Economics  70(4): 798-805.

Abbott, B. and G.C. van Kooten, 2011. Can Domestication of Wildlife Lead to Conservation? The Economics of Tiger Farming in China, Ecological Economics 70(4): 721-728.

Pendergast, S.M., J.A. Clarke and G.C. van Kooten, 2011. Corruption, Development and the Curse of Natural Resources, Canadian J of Political Science 44(2): 411-437.

Cotteleer, G., T. Stobbe and G. C. van Kooten, 2011. Bayesian Model Averaging in the Context of Spatial Hedonic Pricing: An Application to Farmland Values, J of Regional Science 51(3): 540-557.


van Kooten, G.C. and L. Wong, 2010. Economics of Wind Power when National Grids are Unreliable, Energy Policy 38(4): 1991-1998.

Stennes, B., K. Niquidet and G.C. van Kooten, 2010. Implications of Expanding Bioenergy Production from Wood in British Columbia: An Application of a Regional Wood Fibre Allocation Model, Forest Science 56(4): 366-378.

Boronowski, Susan, Andrew Rowe, Peter Wild and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2010. Integration of Wave Power in Haida Gwaii. Renewable Energy 35(11): 2415-2421.

Sun, L., B. Bogdanski, B. Stennes and G.C. van Kooten, 2010.
Impacts of Tariff and Non-tariff Trade Barriers on Global Forest Products Trade: An Application of the Global Forest Products Model, International Forestry Review 12(1 March): 49-65.

van Kooten, G. Cornelis, 2010. Wind Power: The Economic Impact of Intermittency, Letters in Spatial & Resource Sciences 3: 1-17.


Stobbe, Tracy, Geerte Cotteleer and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2009. Hobby Farms and Protection of Farmland in British Columbia, Canadian J of Regional Science 32(3 Autumn): 393-410.

van Kooten, G. Cornelis, Susanna Laaksonen-Craig and Yichuan Wang, 2009. A Meta-Regression Analysis of Forest Carbon Offset Costs. Canadian J of Forest Research 39(1): 2153-2167.

Sun, Lili, G. Cornelis van Kooten and Graham M. Voss, 2009. What Accounts for the Divergence between Ranchers’ WTA and WTP for Public Forage? Forest Policy & Economics 11(4): 271-279.

van Kooten, G.C., 2009. Biological Carbon Sinks: Transaction Costs and Governance, The Forestry Chronicle 85(3): 372-376.

Abbott, B., B. Stennes and G.C. van Kooten, 2009. Mountain Pine Beetle, Global Markets and the British Columbia Forest Economy, Canadian J of Forest Research 39(7): 1313-1321.

Eiswerth, Mark E. and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2009. The Ghost of Extinction: Preservation Values and Minimum Viable Population in Wildlife Models, Ecological Economics 68(7): 2129-2136.

van Kooten, G.C., 2009. Biological Carbon Sequestration and Carbon Trading Re-Visited, Climatic Change 95(3-4): 449-463.

Sun, Lili and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2009. Fuzzy Logic and Preference Uncertainty in Non-market Valuation, Environmental & Resource Economics 42(April): 471-489.

Prescott, R. and G.C. van Kooten, 2009. Economic Costs of Managing of an Electricity Grid with Increasing Wind Power Penetration, Climate Policy 9(2): 155-168.


Yamaguchi, J. and G.C. van Kooten, 2008. Do Higher Financial Returns Lead to Better Environmental Performance in North America’s Forest Products Sector? Canadian J of Forest Research 38(9): 2515-2525.

Maddaloni, Jesse D., Andrew M. Rowe and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2008. Wind Integration into Various Generation Mixtures, Renewable Energy 34(3): 807-814.

van Kooten, G. C. 2008. Protecting the African Elephant: A Dynamic Bioeconomic Model of Ivory Trade, Biological Conservation 141(8): 2012-2022.

Krcmar, Emina and G. Cornelis van Kooten, 2008. Economic Development Prospects of Forest-Dependent Communities: Analyzing Tradoffs using a Compromise-Fuzzy Programming Framework, American J of Agricultural Economics 90(4): 1103-1117.

Maddaloni, J.D., A.M. Rowe and G.C. van Kooten, 2008. Network Constrained Wind Integration on Vancouver Island, Energy Policy 36(2): 591-602.

Benitez, L.E., P.C. Benitez and G.C. van Kooten, 2008. The Economics of Wind Power with Energy Storage, Energy Economics 30(4): 1973-1989.


van Kooten, G. Cornelis and Brent Sohngen, 2007. Economics of Forest Carbon Sinks: A Review, International Review of Environmental & Resource Economics 1(3): 237-269.

Eagle, A.J., M. Eisworth, W. Johnson, S. Schoenig and G.C. van Kooten, 2007. Economic Impacts of Yellow Starthistle on California Ranches, Rangeland Ecology & Management 60(4): 369-377.

Wang, S. , C.T. DesRoches, L. Sun, B. Stennes, B. Wilson and G.C. van Kooten, 2007. Linking Forests and Economic Well-Being, Canadian J of Forest Research 37(10): 1821-1831.

van Kooten, G.C., A.J. Eagle and M.E. Eiswerth, 2007. Determinants of Threatened Sage Grouse in Northeastern Nevada, Human Dimensions of Wildlife 12(1): 53-70.

Bulte, E.H., R. DaMania and G.C. van Kooten, 2007. The Effects of One-Off Ivory Sales on Elephant Mortality, Journal of Wildlife Management 71(2): 613-618.

Shaikh, S., L. Sun and G.C. van Kooten, 2007. Are Agricultural Values a Reliable Guide in Determining Landowners’ Decisions to Create Carbon Forest Sinks? Canadian J of Agricultural Economics 55(1): 97-114.

Shaikh, S., L. Sun and G.C. van Kooten, 2007. Treating Respondent Uncertainty in Contingent Valuation: A Comparison of Empirical Treatments, Ecological Economics 62(1): 115-125.


Krcmar, E., G.C. van Kooten, H. Nelson, I. Vertinsky and J. Webb, 2006. The Little Red River Cree First Nation’s Forest Management Strategies Under a Changing Forestry Policy? The Forestry Chronicle 82(4): 529-537.

van Kooten, G.C., R.W. Thomsen and T. Hobby, 2006. Resolving Range Conflict in Nevada? The Potential for Compensation via Monetary Payouts and Grazing Alternatives, Review of Agricultural Economics 28(4): 515-530.

Biggs, J., S. Laaksonen-Craig, K. Niquidet and G.C. van Kooten, 2006. Resolving Canada-U.S. Trade Disputes in Agriculture and Forestry: Lessons from Lumber, Canadian Public Policy XXXII(2): 143-155.

Mogus, A., B. Stennes and G.C. van Kooten, 2006. Canada-US Softwood Lumber Trade Revisited: Examining the Role of Substitution Bias in the Context of a Spatial Price Equilibrium Framework, Forest Science 52(4): 411-421.

Niquidet, K. and G.C. van Kooten, 2006. Transaction Evidence Appraisal: Competition in British Columbia’s Stumpage Markets, Forest Science 52(4): 451-459.

Benítez, P.C., T. Kuosmanen, R. Olschewski and G.C. van Kooten, 2006. Conservation Payments under Risk: A Stochastic Dominance Approach, American J of Agricultural Economics 88(1): 1-15.

van Kooten, G.C., R. Thomsen, T. Hobby and A.J. Eagle, 2006. Social Dilemmas and Range Management in Nevada, Ecological Economics 57: 709-723.


Krcmar, E. and G.C. van Kooten, 2005. Boreal Forest Carbon Sequestration Strategies: A Case Study of Little Red River Cree First Nation Land Tenures, Canadian J of Agricultural Economics 53: 325-341.

van Kooten, G.C., H.G. Nelson and I. Vertinsky, 2005. Certification of Sustainable Forest Management Practices: A Global Perspective on Why Countries Certify, Forest Policy & Economics (1): 1-15.

Krcmar, E., G.C. van Kooten and I. Vertinsky, 2005. Managing Forest and Marginal Agricultural Land for Multiple Tradeoffs: Compromising on Economic, Carbon and Structural Biodiversity Objectives, Ecological Modelling 185(July): 451-468.

Sun, L., G.C. van Kooten and G.M. Voss, 2005. Demand for Wildlife Hunting in British Columbia, Canadian J of Agricultural Economics 53(1): 25-45.

Manley, J., G.C. van Kooten, K. Moeltner and D.W. Johnson, 2005. Creating Carbon Offsets in Agriculture through Zero Tillage: A Meta-Analysis of Costs and Carbon Benefits, Climatic Change 68(1): 41-65.

Cashore, B., G.C. van Kooten, I. Vertinsky, G. Auld and J. Affolderbach, 2005. Private or Self-Regulation: A Comparative Study of Forest Certification Choices in Canada, the United States and Germany, Forest Policy & Economics 7(1): 53-69.


Roy, N. and G.C. van Kooten, 2004. Another Look at the Income Elasticity of Non-point Source Air Pollutants: A Semiparametric Approach, Economics Letters 85(1): 17-22.

van Kooten, G.C., A.J. Eagle, J. Manley and T. Smolak, 2004. How Costly are Carbon Offsets? A Meta-analysis of Carbon Forest Sinks, Environmental Science & Policy 7(4): 239-51.


van Kooten, G.C., 2003. Smoke and Mirrors: The Kyoto Protocol and Beyond, Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politique 29(December): 397-415.

Krcmar, E., I. Vertinsky and G.C. van Kooten, 2003. Modeling Alternative Zoning Strategies in Forest Management, International Transactions of Operations Research 10(5): 483-498.

2002 & earlier (before coming to University of Victoria)

van Kooten, G.C., S. Shaikh and P. Suchánek, 2002. Mitigating Climate Change by Planting Trees: The Transaction Costs Trap, Land Economics 78(4): 559-572.

van Kooten, G.C., 2002. Economic Analysis of the Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Dispute: Playing the Quota Game, Forest Science 48(November): 712-721.

Krcmar, E., B. Stennes, G.C. van Kooten and I. Vertinsky, 2001. Carbon Sequestration and Land Management under Uncertainty, European J of Operational Research 135(December): 616-629.

van Kooten, G.C., E. Krcmar and E.H. Bulte, 2001. Preference Uncertainty in Nonmarket Valuation: A Fuzzy Approach, American J of Agricultural Economics 83(3): 487-500.

Takahashi, T., M. Nakamura, G.C. van Kooten and I. Vertinsky, 2001. Rising to the Kyoto Challenge: Is the Response of Canadian Industry Adequate? J of Environmental Management 63(2): 149-161.

van Kooten, G.C., 2000. Economic Dynamics of Tree Planting for Carbon Uptake on Marginal Agricultural Lands, Canadian J of Agricultural Economics 48(1): 51-65.

van Kooten, G.C. and E.H. Bulte, 2000. The Ecological Footprint: Useful Science or Politics? Ecological Economics 32(3): 385-389.

van Kooten, G.C. and E.H. Bulte, 1999. How Much Primary Coastal Temperate Rainforest Should Society Retain? Carbon Uptake, Recreation and Other Values, Canadian J of Forest Research 29(12): 1879-1890.

van Kooten, G.C., E. Krcmar-Nozic, B. Stennes and R. van Gorkom, 1999. Economics of Fossil Fuel Substitution and Wood Product Sinks when Trees are Planted to Sequester Carbon on Agricultural Lands in Western Canada, Canadian J of Forest Research 29(11): 1669-1678.

Bulte, E.H. and G.C. van Kooten, 1999. Economic Science, Endangered Species, and Biodiversity Loss, Conservation Biology 14(1): 113-119.

Wang, S. and G.C. van Kooten, 1999. Silvicultural Contracting in British Columbia: A Transaction Cost Economics Analysis, Forest Science 45(2): 272-279.

Bulte, E.H. and G.C. van Kooten, 1999. Economics of Anti-Poaching Enforcement and the Ivory Trade Ban, American J of Agricultural Economics 81(May): 453-466.

Ells, A., E.H. Bulte and G.C. van Kooten, 1997. Uncertainty and Forest Land Use Allocation in British Columbia: Vague Priorities and Imprecise Coefficients, Forest Science 43(4): 509-520.

van Kooten, G.C. and A. Scott, 1995. Constitutional Crisis, the Economics of Environment and Resource Development in Western Canada, Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politique 21(June): 233-249.

van Kooten, G.C., C.S. Binkley and G. Delcourt, 1995. Effect of Carbon Taxes and Subsidies on Optimal Forest Rotation Age and Supply of Carbon Services, American J of Agricultural Economics 77(May): 365-374.

van Kooten, G.C., 1993. Preservation of Waterfowl Habitat in Western Canada: Is the North American Waterfowl Management Plan a Success? Natural Resources J 33(Summer): 759-775.

van Kooten, G.C., 1993. Bioeconomic Evaluation of Government Programs on Wetlands Conversion, Land Economics 69(1): 27-38.

Krautkraemer, J.A., G.C. van Kooten and D.L. Young, 1992. Incorporating Risk Aversion into Dynamic Programming Models, American J of Agricultural Economics 74(November): 870-878.

van Kooten, G.C. and A. Schmitz, 1992. Preserving Waterfowl Habitat on the Canadian Prairies: Economic Incentives vs. Moral Suasion, American J of Agricultural Economics 74(1): 79-89.

van Kooten, G.C., W.P. Weisensel and D. Chinthammit, 1990. Valuing Tradeoffs between Net Returns and Stewardship Practices: The Case of Soil Conservation in Saskatchewan, American J of Agricultural Economics 72(1): 104-113.

van Kooten, G.C. and K.F. Taylor, 1989. Measuring the Welfare Impacts of Government Regulation: The Case of Supply Management, Canadian J of Economics 22(November): 902-913. (pdf)

van Kooten, G.C., A. Schmitz and W.H. Furtan, 1988. The Economics of Storing a Non-Storable Commodity, Canadian J of Economics 21(August): 579-586. (pdf)

Stabler, J.C., G.C. van Kooten and N. Meyer, 1988. Methodological Issues in Appraisal of Regional Resource Development Projects, The Annals of Regional Science 22(July): 13-25.

van Kooten, G.C. and A. Schmitz, 1985. Commodity Price Stabilization: The Price Uncertainty Case, Canadian J of Economics 18(May): 426-434. (pdf)