What does Christianity have to offer the world today? Check out SFU Christian Leadership Initiative and Professor Doug Allen’s non-credit ‘God & Reason’ course at SFU. This initiative is based on Timothy Keller’s book The Reason For God. What about Intelligent Design? Recent research provides evidence for a Creator.
Truth Exchange (Sexuality 1)
A policeman’s Encounter with Jesus (in Dutch) and an after-death experience.
Religious Freedom: Stossel, free speech & terrorsim
Climate change has become a religion and not science: see here, here,
Ten reasons Christians should question climate change agenda. Cornwall Alliance criticism of Katharine Hayhoe‘s views of climate change and Christianity.
Association of Christian Economists and Faith & Economics
Institute for Religion and Democracy
Blog of the President of the Southern Baptist Seminary, Dr. Albert Mohler)
A Danish commentator’s religious analysis of the Nov 2015 IS attack on Paris (here)